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Peter Reeve has worked as class teacher virtually every day in the school for the last 25 years.
Prior to this, he and his wife, Roswitha, were bringing up their own family of four children on a small-holding near Watton in Norfolk, farming 7 acres bio-dynanically with two house cows and growing wheat, vegetables and fruit. Before this, he had been a class teacher and upper school English teacher at Michael House school in Derbyshire.

Peter took the two-year full-time foundation and teacher training course at Emerson College in Sussex, where he met Roswitha. Prior to this he took a diploma in social administration at the London School of Economics and worked in London as a temporary probation officer.

Originally from Norfolk and member of a Norfolk family of farmers, clergymen and lawyers, growing up in Brancaster on the North Norfolk coast, he was commissioned in the REME during his national service. In 1953 he went out to Kenya to work on a cattle estate, moved from there to a coffee plantation and then worked for ten years for the Kenya Tea company, becoming a manager of a 500 acre plantation. On leave from there, he went round the world, long before the current vogue of back-packing, including a planned visit to Hiroshima.

Over most of his life, he has taken a keen interest in humanitarian problems and health and environmental issues. He took a keen interest in organic agriculture at the age of 17 and has never deviated from it for over 50 years. He has been a member of the bio-dynamic agricultural association for 35 years and an anthroposophist for as long. In 2001 he stood for parliament as a Green Party candidate and for the four years since then he has been the Green Party spokesperson for primary and secondary schools in England.

Peter also has long taken a keen interest in wooden boats. For the last five years he has been boatman during the summer months to the well maintained Norfolk pleasure wherry, the 'Solace' at its moorings on Wroxham Broad. He is a director of Norwich 21, the environmental group which brings together the work of various local organizations concerned with bio-diversity and collates information on environmental indicators for Norwich City Council.
He is a weekly volunteer during the summer at the RAF Radar Museum at Neatishead.

Roswitha Reeve, was married to Peter at King's Lynn in August, 1972. Originally from Germany, she mainly taught in a village school in the land of Hessen, teaching children aged from 6 to 10 years and some lessons to older classes. Prior to that she had taken a three-year teacher training course at Darmstadt - Hessen. She followed up her keen interest in Steiner education by joining Emerson College in Sussex in 1968 and taking a two-year training.

Roswitha took the kindergarten when the small school Peter and she founded at Tibenham and Old Buckenham from 1980 onwards, becoming a class teacher when the school moved to Wroxham in 1985, since when she has remained a class teacher for every year except one.
She is currently taking her third class. She also teaches German and French. All four of Peter and Roswitha's children spent seven years at the Wroxham school and four years at the Rudolf Steiner school of Edinburgh. They all took good honours degrees at university and two of them are currently working on their doctorates in science subjects.

John Farrow has worked at the Wroxham school since January, 2004, having previously worked as a classroom assistant in a local authority school in Essex. He grew up in Suffolk, his family having earlier lived at Belaugh, near to Wroxham. he is currently taking the two-year class teacher training course at Emerson College. For the first year working at the school he took the kindergarten, but has advanced with a group of 7-year-olds in a Class I and II.

John spent a year at university and he has since lived in communities both in Finland and in Spain, having joined radical youth groups concerned with human rights issues and the environment. Having found a new orientation within Steiner education, he is taking to it with great enthusiasm, communicating this to children in the school with whom he has an easy and sympathetic manner.

Miriam Law has joined the school staff in the autumn term of 2005 as the kindergarten teacher, having herself previously attended a Waldorf school in Switzerland and where her two children were also sent to a Steiner school, both of them now entered in the Wroxham Steiner school and happily settled.  Miriam is attending the London Steiner kindergarten part-time training course. She is enormously enthusiastic about the Wroxham school and very keen to see it expand and flourish.  Currently her group includes seven children who attend three mornings a week, but there is the on-going prospect of this being expanded to four mornings from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The trustees of the school association are Christopher Duffield, the chairman, who has been closely associated with the school since 1986, Dr Heidi Duffield, who first visited the school when it was at Old Buckenham in 1984 and currently a language teacher at Wynstones Steiner Waldorf school near Gloucester, and Mrs. Pat Ford, a previous kindergarten and class teacher at Wroxham.


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The Norwich Steiner School Association Limited.  Registered Charity No. 803400.  Registered with the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship.